The current crisis has deeply affected world�s economies, reviving both debates and budgetary\r\nconsolidation efforts in order to stabilize them and resume the upward trend. Although based\r\non some commonly accepted theoretical backgrounds, government�s action was differently\r\nconceived in various countries, in relation to their stage of development and their\r\nparticularities, the targeted goals and the vision of their leaders. However, a strategic approach\r\nwas required in all cases. From this perspective, our work proposes an analysis of the budgetary\r\nconsolidation measures adopted and implemented in EU countries (considering their preconsolidation\r\nsituation), trying to highlight the existence of a strategic approach, by reference to\r\naccepted scientific ideas. For our analysis we used data officially reported by Eurostat, Ameco\r\nand the Romanian authorities. Our conclusions are to some extent limited by the lack of data for\r\nthe analysis of the profile, and impact of budgetary consolidation strategies, as official statistical\r\ndatabases do not contain all necessary information, particularly as regards the structure of\r\ncyclically adjusted revenues and expenditures and that of overall revenues and expenditures for\r\n2012. The main findings of our research indicate that the institutional commitments undertaken\r\nby public authorities before the crisis prefigure and enhance their budgetary consolidation\r\nactions; a strategic preference of the authorities for acting through indirect taxes was found on\r\nthe side of public revenues, while for public expenditures the concern for a smart budgetary\r\nconsolidation could not be fully confirmed.